available templates

We now have three amazing templates for you to choose from!

Log in to Ministry Sites from YL Connect.

On the "My Brandcast" home, select "New Site" and choose your desired template.

Name your site "Your Mission Unit Name" followed by your "Mission Unit Number."

Make sure your site is "Private"

Once created edit the necessary text, links, and images to make the site your own!

Do NOT hit "publish changes" please follow our publishing instructions.

Log in to Ministry Sites from YL Connect.

Note: Choosing a new template is "starting over."

On the "My Brandcast" home, select "New Site" and choose your desired template.

Name your site "Your Mission Unit Name" followed by your "Mission Unit Number." This must vary slightly from your current site name.

Make sure the site is "Private."

Current Site "Topeka Young Life KS20"
New Site "Young Life Topeka KS20"

Once created edit the necessary text, links, and images to make the site your own!

Do NOT hit "publish changes" please let our team know that you are changing templates.

We will make the necessary changes with your URL to publish your new site.